Digital Marketing News: Google Algorithm Update Impact

Every week we’re collecting a host of links, videos, and assorted analysis on the ever-changing world of digital marketing. We invite you to skim, share, analyze, argue, and refute – just so long as you don’t get embarrassed at the water cooler again. Here are the latest digital marketing news and trends for the week of August 17, 2018.

Google Algorithm Update Focuses on Medical and Health Field

Google’s algorithm update from Aug. 1, informally named the Medic Update, is reportedly having the biggest effects on sites in the medical and health industries. Multiple analyses from across the industry, as well as reports from the medical and health companies themselves, have noted high volatility in search rankings after the algorithm update.

Google says the update was a global update, meaning sites from across the spectrum will be affected and no special focus was implemented. But as displayed in the RankRanger chart above, the algorithm appears to have the biggest impact in the health industry, followed by home goods and gambling.

As algorithm updates go, the Medic Update is being recognized as a massive change. SEMRush assigned a 9.4 score to the update, which is very high. Pete Meyers from Moz also noted that while a few verticals were greatly affected, all verticals saw relatively significant volatility.

If your site was negatively affected, unfortunately Google isn’t supplying any quick fix. Google’s relatively uninspiring advice is to, “Keep creating great content.” They even add that if your site’s search rankings were adversely affected, it might not be that bad! It’s just that other pages were previously underappreciated. While that’s not the most comforting message, the best advice is to keep looking for ways to improve your site content and experience, and Google will recognize it in due time.

5 Local SEO Myths That Won’t Go Away

Google is a mysterious beast whose legend is always growing, truth be damned. It rarely gives us direct answers, which gives professionals and amateurs alike the room to create their own truth. Joy Hawkins takes a look at a few of these “truths” when it comes to local SEO in a recent post on Search Engine Land. Here are a few myths that Hawkins says refuse to die.

  1. Suite rankings are a ranking factor.
  2. Break any Google guideline, and your ranking will be penalized
  3. Your service area impacts where you rank.
  4. Using a call tracking number will hurt rankings
  5. You should consult with Google My Business support about your ranking issues.

Check out the full post for more analysis on these misconceptions.

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