Webinar: Is Automation an Existential Threat to Agencies?

In a recent post on LSA Insider, Greg Sterling asked, “Will Google’s Smart Ads Kill the Reseller Channel?“.  It’s not necessarily a new question. The marketing industry has been considering the effects of ad automation and machine learning for years. But the positive early reviews of Google’s latest ad automation tool indicate a significant step forward, perhaps marking a more advanced era that previous tools had promised but failed to deliver.

That said, the role of the agency is more dynamic than simply setting up campaigns.  As Location3 CEO Alex Porter points out in a response to Sterling’s post, Google’s Smart Ads only threaten agencies that don’t deliver on strategy.

This back and forth spawned a webinar, “Is Automation an Existential Threat to Agencies?”, in which Porter and David Mihm of Tidings discussed the topic at length. Check out the replay for more analysis, and let us know where you stand!

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